Effect of Osteoporosis on Health Related Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women
Osteoporosis, Health-related, Quality of life, Postmenopausal women, DEXA scans, QUALEFFO-41Abstract
Objective: To determine the effect of osteoporosis on health related quality of life in postmenopausal females. Methodology: It was an analytical cross-sectional study that was completed in 6 months from January 2016 to June 2016. A sample of 137 postmenopausal osteo[1]porotic women, who were referred for DEXA scan in Mayo Hospital, was selected through convenient sampling technique. Bone mineral density (BMD) was taken through T-score of DEXA. A pre-tested; standard questionnaire Qualeffo-41 (Quality of life questionnaires) was used to assess the health-related quality of life in these postmenopausal females. Data was analyzed through SPSS v20. The Pearson cor[1]relation coefficient “r” was calculated to determine the linear correlation between osteoporosis and health related quality of life. Results: Mean T score of bone mineral density of 137 participants was -3.23±0.45 and mean Qualeffo-41 score was 64.33±6.00. Value of Pearson correlation coefficient(r) was 0.757 suggesting strong linear positive correlation between osteoporosis and quality of life. Conclusion: Qual[1]ity of life of post-menopausal is greatly influenced by osteoporosis as strong linear positive correlation was found between osteoporosis and quality of life.