Women’s Health and Reproductive Tract Infections: Modern Challenges.
Reproductive tract infection, sexually transmitted infection, bacterial vaginosis, syndromic approach, vaginal dischargeAbstract
Objectives: To determine the prevalence, common symptoms & risk factors of (RTIs)/sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among married women of reproductive age group. Methodology: For this prospective study, data were collected by face to face interview using a struc[1]tured questionnaire. At the end of interview each women had pre-speculum examination, vaginal, cervical swab and pap smears collection, which was sent for pathological examination. Samples were also sent for diagnosis of chlamydial infections and urine routine examination. Results: In the study group, 500 married females of 18-45 years age were included. More than 50% had one or more RTIs/STIs related symp[1]toms when they were investigated for pathological agents. Out of them, 61% had candidiasis, 37.2% trichomonas vaginalis, 37.1% bacterial vaginosis, 21.4% urinary tract infection while 73% patients had mixed infection. Conclusion: The prevalence of reproductive tract infection (RTI) was associated with low parity and illiteracy. Most common, symptom was vaginal discharge while vaginal thrush was the common RTI. Trichomonas vaginalis was the commonest sexually transmitted infective organism.